Saturday, January 2, 2010

Allergy Problems Can Be Traced to Male Trees - Associated Content -

only in a patriarchal, misogynistic society will you find female chickens, cows, goats, and sheep being denied motherhood so humans can consume their secretions.  the same society that promotes birth control as a way of "combating" menstruation and ultimately seeks to regulate female reproduction.  the very same culture that (mis)treats trees because of their gender.  yet another way humans (primarily men) have manipulated nature in a feeble attempt to control her.

Allergy Problems Can Be Traced to Male Trees - Associated Content -

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1 comment:

  1. If this had to do with a patriarchal/misogynist society, wouldn't we target and mistreat female trees? I mean, if you're going to look this far into an Associated Press article to squeeze some kind of problem out of it, I guess you can fly off the handle about it being misandry...

    I don't think articles about the sex (not gender, mind you) of trees really have a place in the larger picture of combatting a sexist culture. I mean, I'm sure Dworkin was working on a book about TREES at the time of her death, because what could be more terrifying for the objectified in a sexist culture than the maltreatment of trees? I'd take rape over the planting of only female trees any day, that's for sure!

    Aren't there much, much larger and frightening issues relating to our patriarchal/misogynist society than how we treat TREES? Maybe, you know, dismantling the predominant rape culture which affects human women first, and worrying about the trees later?

    Secondly, I find your attempt to "protest" (scare-quotes intended) in support of women's rights related to reproduction and menstruation utterly infantilizing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't currently, and never have or will, experience menstruation. Who are you to judge how women choose to control their cycles? Are you familiar at all with the pains or hormonal fluctuations that accompany a woman's cycle?

    Your suggestion that women should run free with their cycles without any kind of regulation or power over it is JUST AS controlling as a pharmaceutical company advertising fewer/less intrusive periods through birth control pills. Thanks, but WE as women -- the ones who actually experience periods -- don't need YOUR help in deciding how little or much we enjoy our natural menstrual cycles. When you go through one, then maybe we can talk about manipulating it -- which, in my experience, has been for the best.

    And finally, back to my original point. Tree sex (again, NOT gender!), really? This is the biggest thing we have on our collective societal plate right now? Really?


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