the intent of this blog is to inspire the practice of holistic activism--recognizing the interconnectedness of all forms of oppression and using that awareness to help upset the set up.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris AudioBook+E-Book
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(en) In response to The End of Faith, Sam Harris received thousands of letters from Christians excoriating him for not believing in God. Letter to A Christian Nation is his reply. Using rational argument, Harris offers a measured refutation of the beliefs that form the core of fundamentalist Christianity. In the course of his argument, he addresses current topics ranging from intelligent design and stem-cell research to the connections between religion and violence. In Letter to a Christian Nation, Sam Harris boldly challenges the influence that faith has on public life in the United States.
(cz) ...pridám neskôr.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Animal Disease and Human Trauma
Many disasters are approached as if they have a clear beginning, middle and end, but the experience of being in a disaster is often very different. For many victims or survivors, part of what makes particular events so harrowing is a sense that the past, the present and the future are all implicated or affected by what has happened. This book offers ways of thinking about disasters that are non-linear and non-prescriptive. Focusing on the UK Foot and Mouth Disease Disaster of 2001, and drawing on international case studies, this fascinating study explores the lived experience of disasters, looking at how daily lives intersect with dramatic events. Exploring the intersection between 'natural' and 'technological' disaster, and individual and collective trauma, this book views disaster in its local specificities as well as the wider context of control, risk and debates surrounding the relationship between nature and culture.
Please appreciate my work to rock these links:
Friday, June 18, 2010
Noam Chomsky - On Religion and Political Ideals (2007)

One of the most important intellectuals of the twenty-first century and Edge Discussion participant of Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason and Survival, Noam Chomsky tells his ideas about religion and politics in this one hour radio program.
File Size: 40,7 MB
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Infidel - Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Audiobook + E-book)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was born in Somalia, raised Muslim and came to the Netherlands as a refugee due to an unwanted marriage. After earning her collage degree in political science, she worked for a labour party. Reading The Atheist Manifesto (Atheistisch Manifest) by philosopher Herman Philipse and the Quran pushed her to renounce Islam and become atheist. Now she is a controversial political figure who is against Islamic culture.
This is her astonishing story.
UPDATE! E-book added.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Film: Kick out World Cup poverty!
A new film from War on Want shows what many of South Africa's poor think about the World Cup. Through a series of interviews with people affected directly by the games, including those displaced to remote transit camps, our film offers a new perspective on the world's most widely viewed sporting event.
To hear more from the people interviewed in the film, check our interactive panoramas from inside Blikkiesdorp, one of South Africa's most notorious transit camps for poor people who have been evicted from their homes.
You can also share the film with friends and colleagues on Facebook and Twitter.
We are also urging people to sign our call in support of War on Want's grassroots partners fighting evictions and the denial of public services. Sign our call today.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
be girl be
does this still go on? i seriously need to connect w/something like this! i'm truly sick of the typical hip hop nonsense (anti-women and anti-queer).
The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever - Christopher Hitchens (Audiobook)
"My prayers are answered!" The New York Observer
"Hitchens has returned to the Belief Wars backed by a full army…the Godless Warrior marshals in an Atheist A-Team…to buttress his own arguments…Hitchens is the guide as well as the commentartor linking it all together." San Diego Tribune
The Portable Atheist edited by Christopher Hitchens (author of God is Not Great), is a great compilation of ideas from nonbelievers and freethinkers. This one includes the essays by: Spinoza, Omer Khayyam, David Hume, Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, H. P. Lovecraft, Albert Einstein, Salman Rushdie etc.
(cz) Antológia ateizmu
"Moje prosby boli vypočuté!" The New York OBserver
The Portable Atheist je editovaný Christopherom Hitchensom (autor knihy "God is Not Great), je výbornou kompiláciou ideí neveriacich a slobodomysliacich ľudí. Sú tu eseje od týchto autorov: Spinoza, Omer Khayyam, David Hume, Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, H. P. Lovecraft, Albert Einstein, Salman Rushdie, atď.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Christopher Hitchens - God Is Not Great (2007) How Religion Poisons Everything [AUDIOBOOK] [UNABRIDGED]
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-(CZ) Kúpte si knihu-
-(SK) Kúpte si knihu-
(en) God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (2007) is a book-length critique of religion by author and journalist Christopher Hitchens. It was published in the United Kingdom as God is Not Great: The Case Against Religion.
In the book, Hitchens contends that religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children." Hitchens supports his position with a mixture of personal stories, documented historical anecdotes and critical analysis of religious texts. His commentary focuses mainly on the Abrahamic religions, although he also touches on other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.
(cz) Christopher Hitchens se erudovaně věnuje jedné z nejnaléhavějších otázek současnosti: zhoubné síle náboženství ve světě. V této působivé knize Bůh není veliký polemizuje s věřícími, předkládá základní argumenty proti náboženství (a ve prospěch sekulárnějšího přístupu k životu), a to formou podrobné a poučené interpretace stěžejních textů hlavních světových náboženství. Hitchens vypráví o vlastních nebezpečných zkušenostech s náboženstvím a popisuje svůj vývoj k sekulárnímu nazírání na svět, založenému na vědě a rozumu. Je to svět, ve kterém jsou "nebesa" nahrazena záběry vesmíru získanými pomocí Hubbleova teleskopu, nad nimiž se nám tají dech, a Mojžíš s hořícím keřem ustupuje nádheře a symetrii dvojité šroubovice DNA. "Bůh nás nestvořil," píše autor. "To my jsme stvořili Boha." Náboženství, vysvětluje dále, nabízí zkreslenou představu o našem původu, o naší podstatě a o vesmíru. Tím, že je dětem vštěpujeme, jim škodíme - a ohrožujeme svůj vlastní svět. Vůbec nezáleží na tom, zda jste celý život věřící, nebo přesvědčení ateisté, či zda patříte k těm, kdo si o úloze náboženství v životě dosud neudělali jasno; polemika předložená na stránkách knihy Bůh není veliký vás bezpochyby vyprovokuje k zamyšlení a možná i ke kritické revizi svých dosavadních životních hodnot.
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Monday, June 7, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality
still think consuming cow's milk and it's products (i.e. cheese, yogurt, and icecream) is somehow okay?