the intent of this blog is to inspire the practice of holistic activism--recognizing the interconnectedness of all forms of oppression and using that awareness to help upset the set up.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Prisons on Fire: George Jackson, Attica, and Black Liberation

(en) Thirty years ago, America's prisons burned. Here's how, why, and what happened.
Who were the Attica Brothers? Why did 1,500 Black, Puerto Rican, and white prisoners seize control of the New York prison?
And who was George Jackson? And the Soledad Brothers? And why was he murdered by the San Quentin prison administration?
What is the legacy of the prison movement? And what do these forgotten histories tell us about prisons, repression, and the struggle for freedom today?
Through a mixtures of archival audio and contemporary interviews, music and narration, we hear the voices of George Jackson; Jonathan Jackson Jr.; Georgia Jackson (mother of George and Jonathan Jackson); Angela Davis; David Hilliard (former Black Panther Party leader); James Baldwin; Harry Belafonte; David Johnson, Hugo Pinell, Luis Talamantez and Sundiata Tate; Frank "Big Black" Smith (Attica Brother and prison activist); William Kunstler; Elizabeth Fink and Michael Deutsch (attorneys for the Attica Brothers); L.D. Barkley (Attica Brother, murdered in the retaking of the prison in September of 1971, and who announced the "Attica Manifesto" to the world); and Ruchell Magee (prison activist and leader, still in prison for his political activities).
This documentary introduces and grapples with this history as well as lessons for today, and tomorrow.
Torrent: (one of many audiobooks from this collection)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Food as a Weapon of Mass Destruction
links relevant to today's program
> Energy Times Article
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
New Moon and domestic violence
**Spoiler warning!**
So I saw the latest Twilight movie, New Moon, this weekend.*
I was prepared for the manipulative relationship between the protagonist Bella and her sparkly vampire bf Edward. I was prepared for not-exactly-feminist messages about centering your life around men. I was prepared for seriously awful acting and dialogue (the Academy really needs to institute a "Best Unintentional Comedy" Oscar category -- it would be a tight race between New Moon and Terminator Salvation).
However, I was not prepared for the way the movie portrays physical relationship violence, particularly in Native communities. For all the talk of Edward's abusiveness throughout feminist blogworld, I've seen much less written about domestic violence as it relates to the film's competing love interest, Jacob Black -- a 16-year-old Quileute boy who can turn into a werewolf.
At one point in the movie, Bella meets Emily, the fiance of one of Jacob's fellow werewolf-men. As she turns to put a plate of giant muffins on the table, we see that she has a massive scar on one half of her face:
(picture of actress Tinsel Korey, who plays Emily, with a large scar on the right side of her face)
After breakfast, once Jacob and Bella are alone in the car, Jacob explains that Emily's soon-to-be husband lost his temper "for a split second," became a werewolf, and mauled her. (Earlier in the film, he has told Bella that this whole turning-into-a-werewolf-when-you-get-angry thing is actually a genetic trait carried by many men in his community.) He explains that he's worried that he's bad for Bella because he doesn't know if he can control his own anger.
It's more than a little problematic for New Moon to portray violence as an endemic trait among Native men. Yes, domestic violence is a very real problem in American Indian communities. According to Sacred Circle, Native women are more likely to experience violence than any other U.S. population. A full 64 percent of American Indian women will be physically assaulted in their lifetime. They are also stalked at more than twice the rate of other women. But to imply that this is a result of Native people's genes rather than related to other issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, or centuries of racism and marginalization, is inexcusable. (See Latoya's post on Jacob Black for more on Twilight's treatment of Native communities.)
This theme of uncontrollable tempers and violence is also disturbing in the context of the film's Edward vs. Jacob set-up. Bella's options, as New Moon portrays them, are essentially to become a blood-sucking monster by marrying the patronizing, emotionally manipulative Edward or to risk her safety by choosing the patronizing, possibly physically violent Jacob. Oh how I wish for a third option: Emily and Bella bake muffins for each other and find fulfilling lives that are centered on them, not men with fangs. Sadly, I'm guessing that's not where Eclipse, the next book/movie in the series, is going to go. Maybe I need to start writing feminist fan-fic.
* Yes, I knew going in that this was not a triumph of feminist cinema. But given what a major pop-culture phenomenon Twilight is, especially among tween girls, I do think it's important for feminists to engage with it, not bury our heads in the sand and pretend it's not happening.
Posted by Ann - December 14, 2009, at 03:57PM | in Movies , People of Color , Violence Against Women , Women of Color
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive Foods
Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, and sugar release opiate-like substances. Dr. Barnard also discusses how industry, aided by government, exploits these natural cravings, pushing us to eat more and more unhealthy foods. A plant-based (vegan) diet is the solution to avoid many of these problems. Neal Barnard is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Skepticality #026 - The UnChristmas Episode featuring Tom Flynn
Skepticality #026 - The UnChristmas Episode featuring Tom Flynn
Duration: 00:43:46
Size: 48.15 MB
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"tapped" the movie

Stephanie Soechtig, USA, english, 2010, 75 min.
-Buy the DVD-
(en) Examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil.
Rapidshare (200mb Links)
Hotfile (Interchangeable)
FileServe (Interchangeable)
when you buy coke, pepsi, nestle or any other company's bottled water you perpetuate water scarcity, pollution (to include environmental racism and the mass murder of marine life), an assortment of dis-eases associated w/consuming plastic, and numerous other injustices related to the commodification of a life giving source that all that inhabit the earth should have free and equal access to.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Explaining Racism to White Veg*ns & Speciesism to Non-Veg*n POCs
July 5, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized — johanna @ 7:54 pm
Tags: intersectionality, pre-colonial, race, white privilege
I’m seeking links to useful resources of two types, basically the two main intersections from which this blog was born: firstly, resources on racism geared towards getting white people to recognize their own privilege, which could be used by white vegans; & secondly, resources on speciesism/veg*nism that speak to people of color, meaning that they come at speciesism from a racialized perspective. It’d be great to have a compilation of resources available on this blog.Tags: intersectionality, pre-colonial, race, white privilege
For the former, I’ve found useful Peggy McIntosh’s essay “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”. In my experience & the experience of many, many others, sometimes white people just won’t listen to what people of color (POCs) have to say about racism — because we’re biased or have an agenda or something, har har — & in those cases, sometimes I’ve had good results with McIntosh. My other favorite recommendation is “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”: And Other Conversations about Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum, a woman of color. It is an amazing book, & highly recommended.
Of course there are dozens of blogs & websites that folks could look at (the myriad posts for International Blog Against Racism Week, for starters, not to mention the blogroll of this site), but occasionally it is helpful to be able to recommend one article or book as a place to begin.
For the veganism/AR thing, I must say that I’ve never read anything about why I should be a vegan or why I should be in favor of AR that spoke to me as a POC. Quite the opposite, in fact; a lot of writing on veganism I’ve found alienating when it comes to issues of race (some of these instances are written up on this blog). The closest I’ve come is a conversation with a Chicana friend several years ago, where she noted that in some countries, the indigenous, pre-colonial culture was much, much more plant-based, & it was only when the white colonialists came in that this began to change. I know that some POCs have been moved by the comparisons to the enslavement of African Americans; I also know that many POCs have been alienated from vegan issues by such comparisons.
So. Thoughts? I am particularly interested in hearing from POCs on what has worked for them on both counts, although hearing from white folks on specific pieces that woke them up to racism would be useful. But I especially don’t want this to turn into a bunch of comments from white vegans on what “should” persuade POCs to become vegan. On the other hand, well, that would be a timely demonstration of white privilege, wouldn’t it?
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sustainable Soul: Bryant Terry's Food Remix
April 7, 2009
Where do you find recipes for joy, empowerment, and celebration? Eco-chef, Bryant Terry, passionately points the way with Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African American Cuisine. In this interview, Terry digs into soul food's green past and explains why healthy grub is the essential antidote to today's "food deserts." From the Black Panthers' "Free Breakfast for Children" program, to the creation of b'healthy (Build Healthy Eating and Lifestyles to Help Youth), to the simple pleasures of a well-seasoned watermelon, Terry shows that eating well not only strengthens one's body, but also one's community. Tune in to get an aural sip of the Cali-inspired Slurricane (an homage to New Orleans), a nibble of Sweet Cornmeal-Coconut Butter Drop Biscuits, and a bite of the philosophy that inspires this dedicated food justice activist.News links:
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
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